Thursday, September 25, 2008

Battle for Chaussure Humide

The following scenario will be played at our club this coming Saturday. Rules will be Disposable Heroes and played in 28mm on three tables joined together to give a 6' x 12' space!

It is set in the first 48 hours of D-Day after the allies have broken through the Germans coastal defences and into the farmland immediately beyond the beach landing zones. Scratch fighting groups of Germans have been hastily banded together to contain the allies and this game represents one of the myriad small engagements that took place.

Setting the scene. A mixed force of allies; a platoon each of Brits and Americans with some armour support have managed to break through and hole up in two small villages overnight. It is now morning and the allies have received orders to consolidate their positions and to form a defensive line on the three villages in this area. A mixed force of German armour and infantry of approx Compay strenght has been reported to be in close proximity and expected to arrive any minute! If the allies can hold out until 16:00 an armoured brigade will be able to relieve them the south provided that they can control at least two of the key villages. The allies can't afford to be bogged down in this area as it is a key advance route to the NE.

Chaussure Humide



A "free" Company HQ group comprising the basic platoon HQ force with no upgrades except that a radio operator may be added; allows the HQ to act as a Forward Observer.

Infantry comprising 2 or 3 platoons including any Platoon Support options, maximum of 1400 points. An Engineer Squad counts as a Platoon eg may field 2 regular plus an Engineer Squad counts as "3 platoons".

The allies can add 6 Company or Regt support options combined up to 1,000 points. The limits on options in the lists eg 0-3 vehicles doesn't apply, only the total of 6.

A sniper team counts as a Company Support choice.


A "free" Company HQ group comprising the basic platoon HQ force with no upgrades except that a radio operator may be added; allows the HQ to act as a Forward Observer.

Infantry comprising 3 or 4 platoons including any Platoon Support options, maximum of 1900 points.

May add up to 8 Company or Regt support options combined up to 1,250 points. The limits on options in the lists eg 0-3 vehicles doesn't apply, only the total of 8.

A sniper team counts as a Company Support choice.


There is NO hidden deployment.

Germans may deploy or enter from within 12" of either point on the board that the main road enters/exits. Troops may be retained off board but all intended entry points must be recorded before the Allies deploy any troops.

Allies can deploy their forces distributed in any two out of the three villages. All troops must be deployed within the village boundary (a 2' square).

On turn one Germans take first activation.

Victory Conditions

The winner is the side that controls at least two of the three villages. The allied armoured forces will arrive at 16:00 hours real time; this is not a tunr limited game. To control a village the force must occupy at least 2/3 of buildings with Unbroken troops with no enemy troops in the same building.

Terrain Notes:

The villages each contain 3 or 5 houses. These are clay brick construction and count as AC3 cover. The village boundary will be a mixture of hedges, wooden fences and low stone wall, counting as AC2 cover.

The scattered woods are light woods counting as AC1 cover and reduce vehicle movement to SLOW speed only but do not result in BOG checks.

Between the villages are fields with numerous boundary fences of mixed construction of hedges and timber AC1 cover and some fieldstone walls AC4.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Infinity - compare a few minis

OK, the latest set of Sci-Fi skirmish rules I've been taken with is "Infinity". Check out the web site for more details; the rules themselves are actually free to download although the hardcover retail set has a HEAP of fantastic mini eye candy. If you do like the rules you will probably end up buying the retail copy.
These rules are almost a set of RPG rules rather than miniatures skirmish rules, but the mechanics are really VERY good, allowing both players to competely interact irrespective of who's turn it is!

Anyway, enough of the rules, what I wanted to do here was show a comparison of mins from a few manufacturers including the excellent sculpts from Infinity. I've included GZG, a GW Catachan IG and some TAG SWAT with M4s and a Eureka Modern German with G36; LURV the G36!

As you can see, apart from the Yu-Jing Keisotsu mini in the first pic, the GZG minis are waaaay too small.
The TAG minis mix well but are waaay taller then the GZGs...

The Eureka and GW minis in the last pic look a reasonable match to the undercoated Infinity Ariadna.

GZG do have a good variety of minis including the New Israeli light power armoured and UNSC Heavy Power armoured minis as well as the "Power Armour" figures that will allow you to field pretty much any proxied figure apart from the Infinity TAGs; the old Heavy Gears are excellent for that!

Check Infinity out at

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Whilst on the subject of games today; here's pics from the FoW game played by Tom, Darren, Chris and Greg. Mighty Nippons giving the impudent Aussies what for in Malaya!!

"Steady lads, let them step into the trap!"

"Enemy tank! Range 150yds! Load AP, wait....."
"Fire! Reload! Fire as they present lads!!!"

"Pour it on!"
Although the armour takes heavy casualties, the Japanese infantry swarm out of the jungle past the burning wrecks...... throw themselves on to the waiting digger's bayonets....
Despite the withering fire of rifles and brens and almost point blank fire of the Vickers they come on!
And just as things were looking bad they get worse as a separate force attacks from the rear lines as well! We're surrounded!

Necra Chi's Infinity work in progress!

Friday, February 1, 2008

Western Suburbs Wargames Association, Club Day

Well, it was a reasonably active day at Western Suburbs Wargames this afternoon.
Plenty of games in the offing. Battletech; probably the most consistent group of gaming companions I've come across. The same 10 or so players have been going for at least 10 years!. Warmachine have been keeping a strong showing with at least 3 tables each meeting. A little different today; we had a Warhammer Napoleonics, Disposable Heroes early War, WW2 naval fleet battles and the first games of Infinity I've seen at the club. Infinity minis are NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICE!! Also saw a Wings of War strating up! Sweet. Anyways, here's some pics for those interested.

These are my favourite images from our game of a 1940 German assault on a Belgium held village. Germans gave the Belgiums heavy casualties but took too many themselves to be able top secure the objectives, so victory was denied them.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Cancon 2008 Blackhawk Down.... again???

Here's a few pics courtesy of Greg Blake of the Blackhawk Down game that was hosted by Alan Traves and Mick's Metal Models at Cancon.

No labels just yet......

Cancon BHD page 2

....and some more

Cancon BHD Page 3

...a few more....